2015. 5. 4. 16:06ㆍNews
About this project

nexpaq allows you to easily customize, enhance, and add features to your smartphonethrough the case. To put it simply: You can add and remove physical “modules” (think Lego bricks with special powers) directly from the back of your case without powering down!
It's time to allow your phone to do things it was really made for. Unlimited potential all in the palm of your hand.

Each nexpaq case has built-in battery power to boot (1000 mAh). This provides your smartphone with a significant amount of extra juice and powers all of the modules.

nexpaq offers full module compatibility between iOS and Android smartphones, and works across multiple generations of phones. In other words, you can use your modules on different smartphones and even on future smartphones not yet released!

There are 12 modules currently available including:

AND THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING…... It's important for us to build an open platform so *you* can dream up module ideas and developers make them a reality!!

If you have an iPhone 6, Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge or Samsung Galaxy S5 then you can use nexpaq. We are looking to expand the lineup so please let us know on our website poll what smartphones you want nexpaq to work with!

iPhone, Android? No need to choose. Nexpaq modules are 100% cross-platform!
We're not done breaking ground here. nexpaq is also the first, and only, modular technology that can be swapped between Android and iPhone devices. What does this mean? Collect and share modules with other nexpaq users, regardless of their operating system allegiance! Next step, world peace...

It also means that if you decide to change smartphones you'll still be able to use your modules on your new phone, as long as you have a nexpaq case for it.

1. Put your phone in the nexpaq case
2. Choose your modules and slide them in
3. Start the app and control your modules
You can access all of your modules through the app. Simply click on the module to check a reading of how much storage and battery you have. When you swap in a new module, the app will automatically update so you can get going straight away.

Even if your case is not attached to your phone, you can still switch on the case and remotely control the modules via bluetooth from your nexpaq app.

A lot of heart went into nexpaq’s design. The key was to keep your phone looking good while packing in lots of functions. Take a look at these few design concepts and mock ups from the last 18 months:
Hand designs :

A brief look at the history of nexpaq in design:

The journey doesn't end when you receive your nexpaq and starter modules. We've built nexpaq from the ground up as a device from and for the people.
The Developer Kit is the first step in cultivating an ever-growing community that will bring nexpaq to limits we've only yet dreamed of. We will also be building a community and marketplace that brings users and developers together to share ideas and create modules that will truly let everyone get what they want out of their smartphone.
Developers, here is your call to action. Grab a kit and from day one and start creating modules that will usher in an amazing era.

This is how we’ve got to where we are today and our future plans:

The four modules in each set are enough to entirely fill the 6 slots of the nexpaq case.(The battery module takes 3 slots)
However you can add as many modules to your reward as you want, you simply need to add their corresponding amounts to your pledge.
For example: one laser + one extra battery = 14 usd + 14 usd = 28 usd (afterwards we will contact you to confirm your module choice)

If you want to be one of the first to get your hands on nexpaq, then this is for you. We want to give you early access and hear your feedback. The Beta version is actually not that Beta, it retains exactly the same functionality as the regular nexpaq and is compatible with many of the same modules including:
* Hot key module
* LED module
* Temperature and humidity module
* Pollution module
* Breathalyzer module
* Laser module
* Battery module

We worked hard to complete all the R&D and now we need you to help us to finalize design production and purchase tooling for mass production.
We are excited to be the first company to create a modular smartcase solution and we think that Kickstarter is the perfect place to get feedback on our product and help us bring it to market.

Risks and challenges
Any hardware products, especially a modular general purpose product like nexpaq, comes with its risks and challenges. The nexpaq team has been working hard to address every one of them so we can deliver a high quality product which fulfills your expectations and more.
Our first priority is the reliability and longevity of our product, specifically all of the components that move, slide, and plug in and out. We have already made more than 100 designs and prototypes to select the best working and looking. We will repeat all lifetime tests under different conditions, 10,000 cycles or more with the final tooling before mass production.
Our next, but top, priority is to provide an easy to use modular product which is highly customizable and where the modules work identically, cross-platform for Android, iOS and for any upcoming future operating systems. Our technology is developed, tested and working on Samsung Galaxy S4, S5, S6 and iPhone 5 and 6.
Our team has great experience in developing products from the ground up, leading to mass production and we are confident that we’ll be able to deliver a great product and overcome any other challenges.
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