How to operate ISIM AKA (IMS AKA)?

2015. 2. 4. 14:14Mobile/SIM

Step 1. Decode the value of nonce by base 64

nonce            EBP7NsN3GpoTmm2G1/PRA2kQAHNI/rtBAABe2iwhzwRHgQ==

Decoded Data : 1013fb36c3771a9a139a6d86d7f3d1036910007348febb4100005eda2c21cf044781

Step 2. Send the value of nonce to SIM.

nonce : This value is RAND + AUTN from the network.

APDU  : CLA(Channel ID), INS(88), P1(00), P2(81 - See. spec. 31.103 - 7.1.2), Total Length, 

            Data (RAND Length + RAND Data + AUTN Length + AUTN Data)

Step 3. Get Response Data from SIM

The data will have RES, Ck, Ik.

Step 4. The data should be encoded by base64 and then send to Telephony Framework.

Response Data from SIM  

   = DB087673A70B3001927410EAE38418A1A99E24630605DEA687851810810F0C3CD14B62ADE6138A499A57B4BD

Encoded Data by Base64 

   = 2wh2c6cLMAGSdBDq44QYoameJGMGBd6mh4UYEIEPDDzRS2Kt5hOKSZpXtL0=