[Notepad++ Customize Toolbar] Plugin To Add And Delete Custom Buttons (Notepad++ 툴바)

2014. 4. 14. 17:26Windows/Program

Notepad++ is one of the most powerful alternatives available to the default Windows Notepad

The main reason for its superiority over the default Notepad is the plugins available for performing advanced operations.

Customize Toolbar is a rather simple but useful plugin of Notepad++ that allows its toolbar to be fully customized by the user. 

Having the frequently used buttons in your toolbar saves time and increases user efficiency, and this application allows you to add and delete additional buttons in your toolbar for frequently-used menus.

To install Customize Toolbar, 

open Plugin Manager from Plugins—> Plugin Manager—> Show Plugin Manager. Under the Available tab, select Customize Toolbar and click Install.

(Customize Toolbar를 설정할수 있는 플러그인을 설치하기 위해, 플러그인 -> Plugin Manager—> Show Plugin Manager. Under the Available tab.)

Once installed, 

Click Plugins—> Customize Toolbar—> Customize to open the Customize Toolbar dialogue box

(Customize Toolbar 다이얼로그를 열기위해서 Click 플러그인 -> Customize Toolbar—> Customize )

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