
소셜미디어 색상표 - Social Media Colours – Hex and RGB Colours of the Web

빅터크룸 2016. 2. 11. 20:07
Facebook BlueFacebook Blue
Hex: #3b5998
RGB: 59, 89, 152
More Facebook colours
182-twitter-blueTwitter Blue
Hex: #00aced
RGB: 0, 172, 237
More Twitter colours
182-googleplus-redGoogle+ Red
Hex: #dd4b39
RGB: 221, 75, 57
182-youtube-redYouTube Red
Hex: #bb0000
RGB: 187, 0, 0
182-linkedin-blueLinkedin Blue
Hex: #007bb5
RGB: 0, 123, 181
Instagram BlueInstagram Blue
Hex: #125688
RGB: 18, 86, 136
More Instagram colours
WhatsApp GreenWhatsApp Green
Hex: #4dc247
RGB: 77, 194, 71
182-pinterest-redPinterest Red
Hex: #cb2027
RGB: 203, 32, 39
Vine GreenVine Green
Hex: #00bf8f
RGB: 0, 191, 143
Snapchat YellowSnapchat Yellow
Hex: #fffc00
RGB: 255, 252, 0
Quora BurgundyQuora Burgundy
Hex: #a82400
RGB: 168, 36, 0
Dropbox BlueDropbox Blue
Hex: #007ee5
RGB: 0, 126, 229
182-flickr-pinkFlickr Pink
Hex: #ff0084
RGB: 255, 0, 132
182-tumblr-dark-turquoiseTumblr Dark Turquoise
Hex: #32506d
RGB: 50, 80, 109
182-vk-blueVK Blue
Hex: #45668e
RGB: 69, 102, 142
319-vimeo-greenVimeo Green
Hex: #aad450
RGB: 170, 212, 80
More Vimeo colours
182-foursquare-logo-blueFoursquare Logo Blue
Hex: #0072b1
RGB: 0, 114, 177