Which one to choose: '0x80', '0x81', or '0x82'? [UCS2 Type 선택 기준]
Step1. Whenever possible, use '0x81' format.
Strong point : '0x81' offers smallest number of memory required,
i.e. (3 + N) bytes.
Weak point : this format only works for character set containing 128 characters
that lies between 'XX00' to 'XX7F', or between 'XX80' to 'XXFF'.
Step2. If '0x81' is impossible, try the '0x82' format
Strong point : '0x82' offers slightly bigger number of memory required compared
to '0x81' format,
i.e. (4 + N) bytes
Weak point : this format only works for character set containing 128 characters
Step3. If '0x81' and '0x82' is not possible, you must use '0x80'
Strong point : '0x80' can cover all UCS2 range from '0000' to 'FFFF'
Weak point : the number of bytes required is large, i.e. (1 + 2 * N) bytes